
A collection of ayurvedic recipes, yoga practices, and women’s wisdom

Julia Alvarez Julia Alvarez

New Mama’s Golden Milk

The stars of this recipe are shatavari and ghee

Shatavari is an Ayurvedic herb known for supporting hormonal balance and promoting lactation.  It’s best to be avoided during pregnancy. Ghee is also commonly used in Ayurvedic cooking and is easy to digest, full of lots of vitamins, and help  tissue repair. Ghee’s high fat content can also provide a boost of energy which all new mamas need. Let me know you want to make this recipe! It’s one of my favorites to make for myself and postpartum doula clients


  • 1 cup milk (dairy or plant-based)

  • 1 tbsp ghee

  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric

  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

  • 1/4 teaspoon fresh ginger

  • 1/8 teaspoon black pepper

  • 1 teaspoon maple syrup

  • 1/2 teaspoon shatavari powder


  1. In small saucepan, heat the milk and ghee over medium heat until it starts to simmer.

  2. Add the turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, and shatavari powder to the milk.

  3. Whisk the mixture continuously for about 2-3 minutes, ensuring the spices are well combined.

  4. Remove from heat and let it cool for a minute.

  5. Strain the golden milk through a fine-mesh sieve to remove any undissolved spices.

  6. Sweeten with maple syrup if desired, and stir well.

  7. Pour into a mug and enjoy warm.

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Julia Alvarez Julia Alvarez

A Peaceful Pregnancy

I’m pregnant! And all I want to do this pregnancy is focus on my peace and joy. I’m really trying to be present as much as possible so I’ve been changing things up in my normal day to to day routine. Here are 3 changes I’ve made in my life that have helped me have a peaceful pregnancy so far

1. Since it’s been winter it’s been really easy to stay home but even as the days get longer and then weather gets warmer, I’m prioritizing my comfort and staying home. I think being highly aware of my energy input/ output has been of the reasons I’ve felt so great this pregnancy. I usually have a lot of energy and constantly buzzing with ideas and taking care of everything in my life. Now I’m following the urge to slowww down

2. I’ve completely rearranged my bedroom so I sleep next to the window where the moon shines in. Lunar light has been so healing for me throughout my lifetime and this time is no different. Sleeping under the moon while pregnant helps me tune into nature’s rhythms and the ancient feminine energy I’m calling in to help me grow and birth my baby

3. I’ve written in a gratitude journal everyday for years but now I started writing in a trust journal too. Pregnancy and birth are full of so many unknowns and I’ve been working through some major fears. Writing down what I trust in has helped me really trust this process. I can trust that the flowers bloom always in time, I always know when something feels wrong.. I can trust my baby too

I would love to know your pregnancy self care routines! I feel like I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been because I’ve been taking such good care of myself. I credit my yoga practice, my ayurvedic lifestyle and also I think I just got lucky this time around. I’ve honestly never felt better in my whole life

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Julia Alvarez Julia Alvarez

Postpartum Bodywork

Bodywork is so so healing for postpartum mothers. As beautiful as your birth may be, it is still stressful for the body and emotions can feel all over the place due to the hormonal drop. Below I share all about the benefits of bodywork during the postpartum period. In my doula practice, I offer ayurvedic body work to my clients such as abhyanga, yoni steaming, and belly binding.

1. Promotes Healing

Ayurvedic postpartum bodywork focuses on nurturing the mother's body after childbirth. The massages and therapies aid in the healing process by promoting circulation, reducing swelling, and soothing sore muscles.

2. Balances Vata Dosha

Childbirth can exacerbate Vata dosha imbalance in the body, leading to feelings of instability, anxiety, and restlessness. Ayurvedic bodywork helps balance Vata through warm oil massages and gentle techniques, calming the nervous system and restoring balance.

3. Supports Hormonal Balance

Postpartum bodywork can aid in regulating hormonal fluctuations, thereby reducing mood swings, anxiety, and stress commonly experienced after childbirth.

4. Enhances Breastfeeding

Certain Ayurvedic techniques and massages can help stimulate lactation, ease breast tenderness, and improve milk flow, supporting the breastfeeding journey.

5. Aids Digestion and Elimination

Ayurvedic postpartum care often includes abdominal massages that promote digestion, aid in eliminating toxins, and encourage the restoration of the digestive system's normal function, which may have been affected during pregnancy.

6. Boosts Energy and Vitality

Gentle yet invigorating massages and therapies help in replenishing energy levels and restoring vitality, which is particularly beneficial during the postpartum period when new mothers may feel fatigued.

7. Supports Emotional Well-being

The nurturing touch and holistic approach of Ayurvedic bodywork can have a positive impact on a mother's emotional well-being. It offers relaxation, reduces stress, and fosters a sense of emotional support and connection.

8. Assists in Uterine Recovery

Specific Ayurvedic techniques, like belly binding and yoni steaming aid in toning the uterus and supporting its return to pre-pregnancy size and position.

9. Promotes Rest and Relaxation

Postpartum care in Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of rest and relaxation. Through specialized massages and therapies, it encourages deep relaxation, which is crucial for the new mother's overall recovery. Always consult with a certified Ayurvedic practitioner or a qualified healthcare professional before undergoing any specific postpartum bodywork to ensure it's appropriate for your individual needs and recovery process.

Gentle womb massage is a part of abhyanga

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